
The Trip is Almost Here!

Good Morning/Afternoon/Night, whenever you happen to be reading this.

It has been nearly a month since I have updated this blog, though updates will begin becoming more frequent as the date gets closer. With only 34 days until the trek to the holy land begins I have not even begun to pack or really even think about packing. With school ending the first week of May I had full intentions of beginning to think about this. Though with the closure of the semester I began to work many more hours and just spend time with friends. I do need to buckle down and get packing because time flies. It seems as if it was just yesterday that it was more than 80 days away and now a mere month out I am wondering what happened to all of that time.

I received an e-mail from Disney's Animal Programs Department regarding the basic details of my internship. A lot of the information that was in the e-mail just gave the basics, which I had already learned through the Facebook group and the DIS Discussion Boards. It basically went over the Disney Look again, which I have learned through all these Disney communications that it is serious stuff. They also told us what kind of shoes that we will need for our costume, hiking boots for me. It gave some background information on our managers that we will be working with, which seems like some really cool people. The lady gave us her cell phone number and said starting a certain date that if we had any questions just to call her, one brave woman. haha. In the e-mail they told us our arrival date was June 23, 2011; which I already knew but said that we would be receiving the final details from casting in e-mail form no later than June 13, 2011; 10 days before our start day. Overall I am really exicted but I am a little nervous moving 1,000 miles away from the only place I call home. But its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I could have only wished for.

That is all I can think of for now but I am sure I will be updating this real soon as the date gets closer. I also downloaded an app to my iPhone where I can post directly to the blog from my phone which probably what I will do on my way down there.

I leave you with this quote:

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." 
-Winston Churchill

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